

Courses are not taught every semester. Check Howdy for availability.

Veterinary Pathobiology

910. Veterinary Immunology. (2-0). Credit 2. Introduction to veterinary immunology; mechanisms of resistance of infectious diseases and tumors; tissue injury caused by the immune system, including hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmunity; immunization theory and practices; immunologic methods for diagnosis of disease. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the first year of professional curriculum.

911. Veterinary Microbiology. (3-2). Credit 4. Introduction to veterinary microbiology; bacterial, viral, and mycotic agents of veterinary significance; mechanisms of host injury by pathogenic microorganisms; principles of disinfection, antisepsis, and sterilization; classes and mechanisms of mechanisms of action of antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral drugs; diagnostic procedures and methods of sample collection. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the first year of professional curriculum.

913. Infectious Diseases. (2-0). Credit 2. Case-based approach to infectious diseases of animals; includes infectious diseases of major body systems; etiologic agents include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and arthropods; differential diagnosis of infectious agents, diagnostic approaches, revention, and treatment emphasized; management practices to control infectious diseases covered by host species. Prerequisite: Enrollment in second year of the professional curriculum.

920. Parasitology. (3-4). Credit 5. Taxonomy, biological and clinical aspects of the commonly occurring helminth, protozoan and arthropod parasites of domestic and laboratory animals. Signs, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control, public health and economic importance of parasitic diseases. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the second year of professional curriculum.

922. Pathology I. (5-2). Credit 6. Structural and functional changes in cells, tissues and organ systems of animals; pathogenesis, mechanisms and morphologic features of diseases and their relationship to clinical signs; laboratory consists of studies of gross and microscopic pathology. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the second year of professional curriculum.

923. Pathology II. (5-2). Credit 6. Pathogenesis, mechanisms, laboratory analysis and structural features of animal diseases; structural and functional changes in cells, tissues, body fluids and organ systems that cause or are caused by disease. Laboratory consists of studies in gross and microscopic pathology, cytology and laboratory analysis of body fluids and tissues. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the second year of professional curriculum.

940. Diagnostics. (0-35). Credit 2. Student group participation on a rotating schedule in applied clinical activities in the area of diagnostic medicine including clinical pathology, necropsy, microbiology, parasitology, and serology. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the fourth year professional curriculum.

941. Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology I. (0-35). Credit 2. Clinical rotation in microbiology and parasitology with emphasis on performance and interpretation of diagnostic procedures. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the fourth year of professional curriculum.

948. Didactic Elective. Credit 1 to 12. Elective course in veterinary microbiology, pathology, genetics, immunology or parasitology for professional students who wish to supplement required curriculum. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the third year of professional curriculum.

985. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4. Problems in various subdisciplines. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

989. Special Topics in… Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of microbiology, pathology, genetics, immunology or parasitology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of department head.


Courses are not taught every semester. Check Howdy for availability.

Veterinary Microbiology (VTMI)

601. Fundamentals of Pathobiology. (5-0). Credit 5. Encompasses the concepts of pathobiology including bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases, the host response to infectious agents, pathology, and metabolic and genetic diseases; includes animal and human diseases and provides enough background to facilitate in advanced graduate courses. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.

614. Fermentation and Gastrointestinal Microbiology. (3-0). Credit 3. Fermentation and gastrointestinal ecosystems in terms of microorganisms present, their activities and requirements and their interactions in a dynamic system. Prerequisite: Beginning microbiology and/or biochemistry or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with POSC 614 and NUTR 614.

615. Immunogenetics and Comparative Immunology. (3-0). Credit 3. Genetic mechanisms used to diversify immune receptors; immunoglobulins, T cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex, natural killer cell receptors, toll-like receptors and many others; selected comparative and veterinary examples of different immune recognition systems; evolution of the immune system; theoretical immune surveillance and vaccine development. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; GENE 320 and VTPB 409, or equivalent, or approval of instructor.

619. Molecular Methods for Microbial. (2-2). Credit 3. Underlying principles of molecular methods for microbial detection and characterization in natural and man-made ecosystems; emphasis on method application and data interpretation; emphasis on microbial pathogens and indicator organisms in foods and environment; laboratory covers select protocols. Prerequisite: POSC 429/FSTC 326/SCSC 405/approval of instructor. Cross-listed with SCSC 619, FSTC 619, POSC 619.

629. Laboratory Quality Systems. (3-0). Credit 3. Quality systems and method development used within a laboratory; ensuring the integrity of procedures used in lab processes, chain of custody, information management, and international laboratory standards; regulatory requirements for laboratory operation; bio-security precautions; laboratory management. Cross-listed with SCSC 629.

643. Pathogenic Bacteriology I. (3-4). Credit 4. Pathogenic bacteria, their cultural and biological characteristics and pathogenicity. Prerequisite: Minimum of 8 hours of undergraduate microbiology.

645. Host-Agent Interaction. (3-0). Credit 3. Basic concepts of infection versus disease; molecular approaches to problems in microbiology; inducible host responses, agent escape mechanisms and movement of potential pathogens in the ecosystem. Prerequisite: GENE 431 or equivalent.

647. Virology. (3-3). Credit 4. Virus infections in animals and humans; types of infections, mode of transmission, intracellular pathology, epidemiology, isolation and identification of inciting agents; tissue cultivation, animal inoculations and diagnostic tests. Prerequisite: VTPB 438 or equivalent.

648. Medical Mycology. (3-3). Credit 4. Actinomycetes, yeasts and molds that are pathogenic to humans and animals; morphology, cultural characteristics, pathogenicity and identification; practice consists of exercises in cultural methods, morphological characteristics, biochemical reactions and diagnosis. Prerequisite: Minimum of 8 hours of undergraduate microbiology.

649. Immunology. (3-0). Credit 3. Cellular basis of the immune response; relationships between inflammation and acquired immunity, MHC and cell activation; the role of cytokines in immunoregulation and hypersensitivity, vaccines, and the mechanism of immunity to viruses, bacteria and parasites. Prerequisite: VTPB 409 or equivalent. Cross-listed with POSC 649.

650. Experimental Immunology. (3-3). Credit 4. Familiarization, development and integration of techniques into experimental design of immunologic investigation; antibody production, protein purification, immunofluorescence, agar-gel diffusion, immunoelectrophoresis and specialized serologic tests. Cross-listed with POSC 660.

654. Cell Culture Techniques. (1-6). Credit 3. Introduction to the theory and practice of cell culture and provides illustrations of its applications; how to maintain a cell culture unit and culture cell lines; how to derive new cell cultures from animal tissues, characterize cultured cells, optimize in vitro conditions and introduce genetic changes into cultured cells. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

662. Advanced Immunologic Concepts. Credit 1 to 5. Modular course with detailed discussions, workshops and assigned reading/problem solving on advanced topics; structural organization of molecules; genetic regulation; cytokine cascades; pathophysiology of autoimmunity. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: VTMI 649; BICH 603 or equivalent; approval of instructor.

663. Molecular Biology of Viruses. (3-0). Credit 3. In-depth studies of the biochemistry and the replication strategies of viruses and molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis for selected viral systems. Prerequisite: Graduate classification in pathology, molecular biology, biochemistry, or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with MMPA 663.

664. Mammalian Genome Modification for Biomedical Research. (3-0). Credit 3. Reviews the uses of genetic manipulation in biomedical research and provides a working knowledge of the various strategies used to modify mammalian genomes including transgenes, homologous recombination, gene-trapping, RNA interference, cloning, and gene therapy.

665. Viral Vectors and Gene Therapy. (3-0). Credit 3. Describes various viral vector systems, their development and their use as research tools in biotechnology and gene therapy; consists of a mixture of short lectures and discussion of papers from the literature. Prerequisites: VTMI 663, VTMI 647, PLPA 616, or PLPA 620 or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with MMPA 665 and PLPA 665.

681. Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1. Review and discussion of current scientific work and research in field of microbiology and related subjects. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

685. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4 each semester. Problems course in microbiology. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

689. Special Topics in… Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of veterinary microbiology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

691. Research. Credit 1 or more with a maximum of 23. Research for thesis or dissertation.

Veterinary Parasitology (VPAR)

601. Parasitology. (3-3). Credit 4. Important helminth parasites of animals and humans; their identification, distribution and life history. Prerequisites: VTPB 487 or equivalent or approval of instructor.

604. Parasitic Protozoa. (3-3). Credit 4. Taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, physiology, distribution, genetics, host relations, methods and diagnosis concerned with protozoan parasites affecting vertebrates including humans. Prerequisite: VTPB 487 or ENTO 208 or BIOL 438 or equivalent or approval of instructor.

605. Molecular and Immunological Parasitology. (3-0). Credit 3. Basic concepts and recent advancement in molecular biology and molecular immunology of parasitic diseases. Molecular-based host-parasite interactions.

685. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4 each semester. Special problems concerned with parasites of animals or humans. Prerequisites: VPAR 601 or equivalent; approval of instructor.

689. Special Topics in… Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of biomedical parasitology. May be repeated for credit.

691. Research. Credit 1 or more each semester. Research for thesis.

Veterinary Pathology (VPAT)

601. Comparative Pathology. (3-3). Credit 4. Pathologic processes occurring in diseased cells, tissues and organs of animals and humans; their pathogenesis and morphologic manifestations. Prerequisites: Courses in gross and microscopic mammalian anatomy and physiology and approval of instructor.

620. Humane, Public Health and Regulatory Aspects of Animal Use. (1-0). Credit 1. Emphasizes thoughtful and humane use of animals in teaching, research and service; human and animal health benefits of biomedical research; governmental policies regulations, public health implications, management practices, and public relations pertaining to animal use in research and teaching.

640. Advanced Mechanisms of Disease. (3-0). Credit 3. Concepts of pathogenesis of disease processes. Prerequisite: DVM degree or approval of instructor.

641. Systemic Pathology I. (2-4). Credit 4. Disease manifestations in special organs and tissues and interrelations of pathologic processes in individual and functionally related organs. Prerequisite: DVM degree or equivalent.

642. Mechanisms of Metabolic Disease. (3-0). Credit 3. Characteristics and mechanisms of diseases caused either by deficiency, imbalance, excess of specific nutrients or chemicals, or by regulatory disturbances of metabolism. Prerequisite: DVM degree or approval of department head.

643. Applied Pathology. Credit 1 or more each semester. Application of information and concepts of anatomic and clinical pathology to the diagnosis of animal disease; gross pathological changes observed in necropsy are correlated with and corrected by histopathologic observations; confirmatory methods of clinical pathology and laboratory medicine used where indicated. May be taken more than once but not to exceed 6 hours of credit toward a graduate degree. Prerequisite: DVM degree or equivalent.

645. Neoplastic Diseases. Credit 1 to 8. Theoretical, histopathological and clinical aspects of neoplasia. Diagnosis of neoplastic and related conditions in all species. May be taken more than once but not to exceed 8 hours of credit toward a graduate degree. Prerequisite: DVM degree or equivalent.

650. Neuropathology of Animals. Credit 1 to 4. Pathology and pathogenesis of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Interpretation of gross and microscopic lesions of the nervous system associated with disease processes. May be taken more than once but not to exceed 4 hours of credit toward a graduate degree. Prerequisite: DVM degree or equivalent.

651. Systemic Pathology II. (1-3). Credit 2. Continuation of VPAT 641. Disease manifestations in special organs and tissues and interrelations of pathologic processes in individual and functionally related organs. Prerequisite: VPAT 641.

653. Diseases of Laboratory Animals. (3-0). Credit 3. Pathology and pathogenesis of spontaneous infectious, parasitic, metabolic and neoplastic diseases of laboratory animals. Prerequisite: VTPB 922 or equivalent.

681. Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1. For graduate and special students in veterinary or comparative pathology; presentation and discussion of special topics and research data concerning pathology and pathogenesis of disease. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

685. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4 each semester. Advanced special problems concerned with pathogenesis and pathology of disease. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

689. Special Topics in… Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of veterinary or comparative pathology. May be repeated for credit.

690. Theory of Research. (3-0). Credit 3. Theory and design of research related to current biomedical problems especially those involving study of animal diseases; philosophical perspectives underlying historical advances in research pertaining to the study, prevention and treatment of disease. Prerequisite: Graduate classification. Cross-listed with VIBS 690 and VTPP 690.

691. Research. Credit 1 or more each semester with a maximum of 23. Research for thesis or dissertation.


Courses are not taught every semester. Check Howdy for availability.

Veterinary Pathobiology (VTPB)

221. Great Diseases of the World. (3-0). Credit 3. Great infectious and parasitic diseases; introduction to the major diseases affecting humans and other mammals including plague, tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria. Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore classification.

285. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4. Directed individual study of selected problems in microbiology, parasitology, immunology, genetics or pathology as approved by instructor. Prerequisites: Approval of department head; freshman or sophomore classification.

289. Special Topics in… Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of veterinary pathobiology. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Freshman classification.

301. Wildlife Diseases. (3-0). Credit 3. Basic mechanisms of diseases as they occur in wildlife populations; interplay of habitat requirements, individual physiological requirements and disease producing mechanisms of varied wildlife species. Prerequisite: Junior classification or approval of department head. Cross-listed with WFSC 327.

303. Medical Communication in the International Community. (3-0). Credit 3. To develop an awareness that there is a culture associated with the practice of veterinary and human medicine in other countries. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.

334. Poultry Diseases. (3-2). Credit 4. Poultry sanitation and diseases. Prevention and control of environmental, nutritional, parasitic and contagious diseases. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 and BIOL 123; junior or senior classification.

405. Biomedical Microbiology. (3-5). Credit 5. Fundamentals of bacteriology, mycology, virology, infectious diseases, immunology and identification of pathogenic microorganisms. Prerequisite: Junior classification in a biological science.

407. Advanced Veterinary Microbiology Laboratory. (0-4). Credit 1 to 3. Modular course (one credit per module) that covers immunological and molecular techniques used with bacteria, parasites and viruses in animals for diagnostic and identification purposes. Prerequisites: VTPB 405, VTPB 409 and VTPB 438 or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior classification.

408. Clinical Microbiology. (2-5). Credit 4. Practical application of clinical bacteriology and mycology; laboratory identification of pathogenic organisms. Prerequisites: VTPB 405; junior or senior classification.

409. Introduction to Immunology. (3-0). Credit 3. Diverse concepts relative to immunologic mechanisms inherent to domestic and laboratory animals. Prerequisite: Advanced classification.

410. Cell Mechanisms of Disease. (3-0). Credit 3. Mechanisms, morphologic manifestations and clinical signs of disease processes at the cellular level. Prerequisites: VTPP 423 or registration therein; junior or senior classification.

412. Techniques of Clinical Pathology. (3-3). Credit 4. Theory and pathophysiologic principles underlying laboratory evaluation of disease states; principles of analytical methods with applications in the contemporary biomedical laboratory considered, using selected hematology and clinical chemistry techniques as examples. Prerequisites: CHEM 228 and CHEM 238; VTPP 423; senior classification in biomedical science or approval of instructor.

415. Immunogenetics and Comparative Immunology. (3-0). Credit 3. Genetic mechanisms used to diversify immune receptors; immunoglobulins, T cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex, natural killer cell receptors, toll-like receptors and many others; selected comparative and veterinary examples of different immune recognition systems; evolution of the immune system. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification, GENE 320 and VTPB 409 or approval of instructor.

421. Bacterial Diseases of Humans and Animals. (3-0). Credit 3. Pathogenesis of selected bacterial pathogens of humans and animals; bacterial virulence factors, host immune responses; current concepts of extracellular, facultative intracellular and obligate intracellular bacterial diseases. Prerequisites: VTPB 405 and VTPB 409; junior or senior classification.

438. Biomedical Virology. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamental study of nature and characteristics of human and animal viruses; classification, morphology, chemical structure, ability to cause disease and nature of resulting disease. Prerequisite: 3 hours of microbiology or approval of instructor.

452. Clinical Veterinary Mycology. (2-2). Credit 3. Practical application of clinical mycology; laboratory identification of important fungal and actinomycotic organisms. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification; VTPB 405 or approval of instructor.

454. Ornamental Fish Health Management. (3-0). Credit 3. Maintenance and health care of ornamental fish in closed recirculating systems; aquariology, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, immunology, infectious and noninfectious diseases, checklists, quarantine procedures and health maintenance of ornamental fish. Prerequisites: VTPB 405 or BIOL 351; BICH 410 or MARS 360; junior or senior classification. Cross-listed with MARB 454.

485. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 4. Directed individual study of selected problems in microbiology, parasitology, immunology, genetics or pathology as approved by instructor. Prerequisites: Approval of department head; junior or senior classification. 487. Biomedical Parasitology. (3-2). Credit 4. Helminth and protozoan parasites of medical and veterinary importance; life cycles, morphology, taxonomic classification, economic and public health aspects and current topics in parasitic diseases. Prerequisites: BIOL 107 or BIOL 114; junior classification or approval of instructor. Cross-listed with BIOL 487.

489. Special Topics in… Credit 1 to 4. Selected topics in an identified area of microbiology, pathology, genetics, immunology, parasitology, or physiological chemistry. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification and approval of department head.